Tell me if this sounds familiar to you.
You enter in the most promising brand-new trade with a fairly small amount, since you learned some risk management from some guru.
After a day or two, it’s clear you have a winner! Profit is small but the trade is moving in the right direction, so you ratchet up your investment in that trade.
As your investment increases, so do your profit and you feel good about it.
Next day, stock pulls back, so you pour on a little more of your hard-earned dollars. Ok, so if you’re anything like an average trader, you pour on A LOT more dollars. After all, you have a winner…
“It’s time to GO BIG!!!”
Next thing you know, you’re telling your friends on Facebook, you are texting, you are doing LOL… in front of the bathroom mirror.
You think you are smart…
You think you are handsome….
But then, something happens….
Stock drops even more…. Profit starts to evaporate…and your winning trade becomes breakeven and then a FAT Loser.
You do your best to study the charts, call few friends, research on the internet, but nothing seems to work.
What is going on? You ask yourself!
Well, the answer is BIG BOYS trapped you…It is that simple.
When it is time to get out, the average trader gets in…
When it is time to get in, the average trader gets out…
The cycle continues….
Account drains out…
You lose hope…
Last $100 left in the account…
The trader blows it up by taking a flyer on some junk penny stock by buying 1000s of shares for $100
then he never sees his last $100 alive….
It is dead…
Sad Story!
Trader closes his shop and swears never to trade again..
But wait…
There is light at the end of the tunnel..
There is some hope…