Risk is a fundamental factor in terms of investing. Without the risk factor in the overall equation of investing, there wouldn’t be any returns. Investors tolerate risk, which is considered as a cost to neutralize the effect of inflation. The key to earning returns through investments comes through risk management. It is a skill, which requires the utilization of resources such as time, money, knowledge, and so on.
There are some people who have attained considerable success in their investing / trading activities in the financial markets without any real professional help at all. These individuals have spent time and money acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary and then honing the particular set of skill through experience. However, not everyone is as willing to invest resources in acquiring a skill that serves as secondary to their primary skill or expertise. Therefore, they have given birth to financial services as a major sector through their demand.
Such services have proven to be invaluable, as investors and traders are willing to pay huge sums of money to ensure that their investing activities are based on educated decisions, decisions made by external parties that have specialized in the field.
Trading Advisory Services
Initially, the sector was limited to a tiny minority of people capable of affording the expensive services while being able to allocate a huge amount of money into their investment funds. However, as technology progressed and awareness was brought to the masses, the vacuum that exists in the financial services industry for the not-so-wealthy groups became even more apparent.
Such services are now not limited to only the wealthy and as many new start-ups have started to fill the void by providing the same services to the majority but at a much lower cost. As the neglected groups were in the majority, these companies have successfully leveraged the advantages of economies of scale, providing the same services to a larger audience at a larger scale effectively reducing the cost of such services through absorption via a large turnover.
Trade Genie
Trade Genie offers an invaluable service to its members. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned trader, Trade Genie has successfully managed to incorporate the needs of a wide array of traders in their service.
As a trading advisory service and an educational resource center, it has enabled its members to achieve an incredible degree of success. The beginners are able to consolidate their tradingactivities through detailed financial analysis of companies, helping them determine the validity of their own trading decisions. Furthermore, the live buy and sell alerts further help make profitable trades, based on the concrete technical analysis.
The advisory service significantly helps in reducing risks through effective hedging strategies. Whether the market sentiment is bullish or bearish, traders will be able to profit from it by trading along the trend and hedging the risk using options contracts.
If you are interested in a service which helps traders and investors generate capital gains in the financial markets then you can contact us at nosheegenie@gmail.com