Hi Noshee, Here’s what I did to make a boatload of money — had your option and sold when stock started going straight down (I rarely hold options that do that, would rather sell, even take a small loss and maybe buy back later at much smaller price), made around $100/contact in just a few days. Then before the election I was absolutely certain President Trump would win and that would be great news for Dave and Busters so I bought several Dec 22.50 Calls for .60/contact! The prez didn’t win (yet) but thanks to Pfizer I was able to sell PLAY this morning for a 1000%+ profit in 1 week. Love it! Would NEVER have thought of Dave and Busters if it wasn’t for you — thanks so much! Also, FYI, I had bought your Earnings Service as well as the Master Trend Service to see test out. I was thinking I migh like the Earnings more than the Swing Service but it’s just not for me and Markets Trend is something I already have firm grasp of.
Anthony P.