What trading and investment services do you provide?

We provide free and paid services.
These are:

  1. Stocks and Options Basic topics
  2. Stocks and Options Advance topics
  3. Markets Analysis
  4. Trades Analysis
  5. Psychology of trading newsletter


  1. All of the above, Plus:
  2. More detailed charts and markets analysis
  3. Alert Services (see here for more detail on each):

Do you provide auto trade?

We do not offer auto-trade service at the moment.

What are the fees for different services?

Please visit the Pricing Page for fees of different services.

Do you accept checks?


Do you offer discount if I sign up for more than one services?

Yes, on average you save and additional 12% to 30% for each service you bundle together. See the pricing matrix for more information.

Do you accept payments for more than three months or less than three months?

Yes! We accept payments for monthly subscription and yearly subscription.

Do you provide any service for those who work full time?

Yes! Our Swing Lite, Leap and Spread trading services fit well for those who work full-time.

Do you provide any service for those who have small account size?

Yes! Our Swing Lite and Spread Trading services cater to those who have account size of $10,000

Is it possible to talk to you on the phone before I decide to enroll in one of your services?

Yes, it is possible. Please fill out the form on our Contact and Support page, the best time to reach you and your time zone. We will call you.

Is it easy to reach you via email or phone during or after trading hours?

Please send us your question by replying to one of the emails you received from us or fill out the form on Contact and Support page.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Please login to PayPal and cancel your subscription there. If you need help send us an email.

How do I change my email address?

Please send your new email address by replying to one of our emails or fill out the form on Contact and Support page. We will gladly change your email address.

Do you provide alert by SMS?

Yes, We provide SMS alerts also beside Emails. To get alert on your phone, you need to provide us your phone number and your phone carrier.

Do you offer free trial?

No, we currently do not offer free trials.We offer a 50/50 guarantee – if our win percentage drops below 50% performance during any month we will offer you a 50% discount on your next month’s service. We’re proud to say that we’ve never had to credit anyone!

What knowledge do I need to trade option?

You should have a basic understanding of how options work and how they relate to the underlying equities/stocks.You also need to have a basic understanding of using your trading platform / broker to place and manage orders.

It helps to understand Excel or another spreadsheet tool to be able to track your trades and better manage your trading capital, positions, and conduct basic trading profitability and risk analysis.

If you don’t understand options or stocks, there are many good basic educational materials available online or through your brokerage. You can always sign up for a free account at OptionsExpress.com, and use their free training materials.

I am new to options. Will it be difficult for me to follow the trades?

As part of our member service, we provide a set of emails to introduce the Basics of getting started trading, as well as our 85-page Stock/Options Trading System document. We suggest you read through these prior to starting trading to ensure you understand our system.Most brokers also provide a wealth of Stock / Options trading educational materials on their website, with everything from the basics through to money management, risk analysis, trade analysis, and more advanced topics. We suggest you take advantage of these (generally free) resources.

Additionally, you can usually setup a “paper trading” or virtual trading account with your brokerage, which may allow you to practice trading with virtual money, before risking real money. Talk to your broker for details.

Do you trade only options or stocks or both?

We offer three services which are options-based and one service which is stock based. For details please visit our Services Page.

Do you recommend any brokers?

Choosing a broker is a complex decision, so we cannot recommend specific brokers to you. Brokers offer a mix of services, and prices, and often limit the jurisdictions that they accept accounts from. Generally speaking, you can choose a broker with good educational resources, but they are often priced higher and will increase your trading costs and reduce profitability/margins.

Cheaper brokers often provide less support, fewer free training materials, and may charge additional fees for services other than trading (market data or trading platforms).

Certain brokers will not allow you to open an account unless you reside in the United States and/or Canada.

Is my information protected?

Yes, we take privacy seriously and do not resell your information to anyone. Any marketing messages you may get will be sent by us on behalf of trusted partners only. For detailed Privacy Policy please visit our Privacy Page.

Do you sell your member information to anyone?

See above

Do you trade Calls or Puts or both?

We trade both Calls and Puts, depending on where the market is heading (Bull/Up or Bear/Down). Individual stocks or sectors may be following the market trend or not, so even if the market is going Up (Bull), certain sectors or stocks may be going Down (Bear) and we may choose to purchase Puts to capitalize on that trend, or vice versa.

What options strategies do you follow?

We believe in simplicity and therefore, we only do Long Calls and Long Puts.

What information do you provide in the trade alert?

The alert is sent in via two emails: First Email

  • Stock symbol
  • Option Strike and Month
  • Buy Price

Second Email

  • Three Targets are given
  • Stop Price
  • Any update to the trade

Once the trade is in progress we send further emails with updates.

At what time of the day are trade alerts sent?

Trade alerts are sent during US Equity Market hours, from slightly before 9:30am EST through to shortly after market close at 4:00 pm EST.Other emails such as markets analysis, trades updates, may be sent either during or outside of these hours at no fixed schedule.

Is your trade alert real-time?

Our trade alerts are sent in real-time to our members. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, how frequently you check your Inbox and who is your email provider, our alerts may be delivered to your Inbox in as early as 10 seconds from our time of sending to several minutes.We advise you to avoid AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail and rather use GMail as it is usually reliable and updates quickly.

What is the average duration of a trade?

Please visit our Services Page to read about average duration of a trade for various services.

How many trades alerts do you send on average per week?

Please visit our Services page to read about the number of trades sent per week for each service.

Do you provide updates on your open positions?

Open and closed positions are updated daily on the trading day.

When the trade is closed then the sell price, dollar gain, percentage gain and the duration of the trade is updated in the website winner page.

Do you provide stops on your trades?

Yes, three target prices are provided for each trade. A detailed strategy is described in our trading system guide book so that members can maximize the gains in the trade.

Do you provide markets updates to your members?

Yes, not only do we provide important market updates to our members, but also forecast changes in the market direction.

How much time do I have to act after trade is released to members?

It depends on the service you have subscribed to. Swing trades are supposed to be executed as soon as the alert is received. Whereas LEAP, ETF and Little Gem alerts can be placed later as long as the trade has not gone far or trading below the recommended purchase price. In our trading system guidebook we have provided a matrix on how much above the recommended price a member can pay and still be profitable.

What type of charts do I need to trade your alerts?

You can trade our alerts without using your own charts, though we don’t really recommend it.Most trading platforms and brokers have basic charting capabilities which are sufficient to follow our trades.

If your broker does not provide charting capabilities, then please take a look at stockcharts.com for free stock charting capabilities.

Not only does this website has good charting capabilities but is full of trade related resources.

What are the best sites for learning about options?

The internet is full of education materials on options. We have listed two websites which have good education materials on options.